Why CultureBee? 🎉

If you're a growing company looking to get the best talent - and the best performance out of your talent - please know we built CultureBee for you.

We walked miles in your shoes and tried every kind of employee engagement solution on the market. We think that you didn't have a great place to go until now. Hear us out.

CultureBee is inclusive by design

The biggest problem with typical one-off employee engagement initiatives is that they fit small segments of your workforce at a time. You don't have the bandwidth or the budget to run a dozen of them, so you're forced to choose - and discriminate.

CultureBee's unique action-based approach and diverse libraries of prebuilt behaviors means everyone can find a way to contribute and feel included.

CultureBee gives your people reasons to come back and do more

For behaviors to stick, for social norms to form, for culture to evolve, you have to give your team reasons to stay with the program long enough. Some people can get energized by the incremental progress alone, but most need some extrinsic reinforcement to keep going. CultureBee provides that in spades.

Gamification makes completing and repeating behaviors fun and addictive.

Social reinforcement provides the necessary feedback loop and fosters a sense of belonging.

Corporate social responsibility focus activates self-transcendent purpose and desire to keep going.

CultureBee runs itself

Tops down programs often fail because they require a lot of planning and oversight to be effective. CultureBee takes a bottoms up approach by continuously nudging your team into action and then automatically amplifying your success to activate network effects and get more of your workforce involved.

CultureBee creates a bias toward action so you can move faster

We've built CultureBee as an operating system for Doing Something: for taking quick action, learning from it and designing from there. We think that focusing on small behaviors to create a new direction is more impactful than talking about how things could be in five years' time. This ethos can create powerful effects in every part of your business, and it can start on CultureBee.

CultureBee can amplify your other talent-focused systems

CultureBee doesn't yet power talent functions like goal setting, feedback, check-Ins, employee surveys or learning & development. But you can absolutely use the platform's engagement engine to gamify, celebrate and accelerate behaviors that support these important functions.

Instantly roll-out employee surveys and celebrate your team's participation

Create instant visibility for routines like 1:1s, OKRs and check-ins

Make it fun and rewarding for people to go the extra mile in non-mandatory training opportunities

Bee good to your team today.